吴 驰





吴驰从四川音乐学院附中毕业后,先后就读于荷兰阿姆斯特丹音乐学院 Conservatorium van Amsterdam/CvA ,意大利伊莫拉国际钢琴学院 Conservatorio Musicale Internazionale di Imola。


在伊莫拉国际钢琴学院,他作为世界著名钢琴演奏家拉扎·贝尔曼(Lazar Berman )教授的得意门生,在毕业时获得该校钢琴演奏最高荣誉奖,并担任贝尔曼助教。






吴驰在国内外举办个人独奏音乐会百余场,合作过的指挥家和音乐家有:郑小瑛、唐青石、谭利华、朱其元 、刘新、刘江、杨珊珊 。演出足迹遍及美国、英国、法国、德国、意大利、荷兰、西班牙及中国香港等近30个国家和地区。在荷兰阿姆斯特丹皇家音乐厅、北京音乐厅、上海音乐学院贺绿汀音乐厅 、香港大会堂 、武汉音乐学院编钟音乐厅、惠州保利剧院 、星海音乐厅 、成都城市音乐厅、西安音乐学院大音乐厅等成功举办过音乐会 ,并同荷兰国家广播交响乐团、荷兰国家爱乐乐团 ,荷兰国家青年交响乐团、中国中央乐团 、成都乐团等交响乐团有过合作。

Chi Wu, pianist, professor of Sichuan Conservatory of Music, a Tanglewood and Steinway & Sons artist, has held hundreds of concerts at home and abroad. He is currently a vice director of Sichuan Conservatory of Music Piano Research Institute,deputy secretary-general & executive director of the Sichuan Piano Institute(SPI).
Early music education was taught by famous Chinese piano professor Dan Zhaoyi and Yang Hanguo.  after graduating from the Middle School of Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Wu studied abroad at Conservatorio Musicale Internazionale di Imola and Conservatorium Van in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
At Conservatorio Musicale Internazionale di Imola, Wu was a student of professor Lazar Berman whom is outstanding virtuoso. At graduation, he was awarded the highest honor for the piano performance of the school and served as Berman’s assistant.
Chi Wu was deeply influenced by Berman’s artist personality and his vision of music. Berman is not interested in the way young pianists try to impress others with their “superior technique”. Instead, he insisted “art comes from life”.
He has held more than hundred concerts in China and abroad, among which collaborated with musicians and conductors including: Yang Shanshan, Zheng Xiaoying, Tang Qingshi, Tan Lihua, Zhu Qiyuan, Liu Xin and Liu Jiang. Some of his performance venues include the Concertgebouw (Royal Concert Hall in Amsterdam, Netherlands), the Beijing Concert Hall, He Luting Concert Hall (Shanghai Conservatory of Music), Hong Kong City Hall, Chimes Concert Hall (Wuhan Conservatory of Music), Huizhou Cultural Arts Center, Xinghai Concert Hall, Chengdu City Concert Hall, Grand Concert Hall (Xi’an Conservatory of Music). He also has good cooperation with the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra, the NJO National Youth Orchestra of the Netherlands, the China National Symphony Orchestra, the Chengdu Orchestra etc.